An amalgamation of Blue, Green, and Gold, portraying an exquisite Peacock. This is a traditional Rajasthani art called Sutarla, which is malleable and made of Gold...
A traditional artwork carved finitely and conjoined with Rubies and sapphire. A classic Jaiselmeri design from Rajasthan, an intricate work of Gold, Jadau, and Polki...
A beautiful Amalgamation between Mother of Pearl, Blue Sapphire, and hanging Coral beads. This piece is enchanting due to the majestic combinations of these precious stones...
The intricate work of Jadau on Blue Sapphire and Polki stones is intertwined beautifully with Pearls. This necklace is made with rare hues of Blue Sapphires...
Intricate flower Meenakari work, encompassed by the deep colors of Red, Blue, and Green. This Bangle is made of Gold, and Beautiful Meenakari artwork is designed on it...